Why Tagalog Is So Hard To Learn (Plus 3 Tips To Make It Easier!)

Why Tagalog Is So Hard To Learn (Plus 3 Tips To Make It Easier!)

Tagalog is relatively difficult for English speakers to learn. The biggest challenges are major grammatical differences (especially verb–pronoun relationships) and completely different origins of vocabulary. Fortunately, there are also some easy aspects. Tagalog pronunciation and writing are straightforward, and a few grammatical features are refreshingly simple. Rest assured that you can easily get by in…

Manila Vs. Metro Manila: Understanding The Cities Of The NRC

Manila Vs. Metro Manila: Understanding The Cities Of The NRC

Manila is a colossal metropolis that sprawls for miles around. It’s a vast yet dense microcosm of almost every facet of the Philippines, almost like a country unto itself. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but there are plenty of reasons that Manila is well worth visiting. But when we foreigners refer to “Manila,”…

Should YOU Visit Manila? (What To Know Before You Book)

Should YOU Visit Manila? (What To Know Before You Book)

Philippine beach and nature destinations are legendary, and rightly so.  But Philippine cities—including the capital, Manila—are rarely on anyone’s bucket list. Is that a naïve oversight, or is Manila really best avoided? Manila is not the most exciting city in Asia, but it’s much more than just a gateway to exotic locales. It is worth…

These 13 Filipino English Words Don’t Mean What You Think

These 13 Filipino English Words Don’t Mean What You Think

English is spoken throughout the Philippines and woven into everyday speech—especially in Manila. The Filipino English standard is very close to American English. On paper, it’s essentially the same; in speech, there are very few noteworthy differences. But that’s not to say it’s identical. Some loanwords have taken on very different meanings that surprise both…

What Language Is Spoken In Manila?

What Language Is Spoken In Manila?

If you speak English, then rest assured that you’ll get by perfectly fine in Manila, and virtually everywhere else in the Philippines.  After decades of American control, and close cultural ties ever since, that’s to be expected—especially in such a huge, cosmopolitan city. But English is obviously not indigenous, so what language is local to Manila? This…

Is Manila Expensive To Visit? (What To Budget For A Great Trip)

Is Manila Expensive To Visit? (What To Budget For A Great Trip)

Southeast Asia is on the top of every backpacker’s and budget traveler’s list. But if you want to splurge on pampering and futuristic luxury, there’s something for you, too. Where does the Manila fit in that spectrum? Here’s whether Manila is expensive Manila is not expensive to visit, by Western standards. Tourists in Manila will…

Is Manila Safe? (What I Learned From Living There)

Is Manila Safe? (What I Learned From Living There)

Manila gets a bad rap for crime. “Well, duh,” you might think, “It’s a big, gritty city in a fairly poor country.” That’s not wrong, but it doesn’t reflect the reality that most foreigners will experience, either. Manila travel safety in brief Travel safety in Manila is more complicated than “yes” or “no.” Manila’s tourist…

Is Tagalog Worth Learning? (Maybe Not For The Reasons You’d Think)

Is Tagalog Worth Learning? (Maybe Not For The Reasons You’d Think)

Learning a useful amount of any language is a feat to be proud of. The process is a terrific hobby, and the outcome is valuable and enriching.  But all else being equal, Tagalog—the local language of Manila—is hard to pick up. With that in mind, is Tagalog worth learning for a trip to Manila? When…